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Иконка ресурса

SxGeo 1.0.2

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Расширение Sourcemod, используя Sypex Geo API.
Расширение Sourcemod, используя Sypex Geo API.

// sxgeo.inc

* @section IP addresses can contain ports, the ports will be stripped out.

* Gets the two character country code from an IP address. (US, CA, etc)
* @param ip Ip to determine the country code.
* @param ccode Destination string buffer to store the code.
* @return True on success, false if no country found.
native bool SxGeoCode(const char[] ip, char ccode[3]);

* Gets the full country name.
* @param ip Ip to determine the country code.
* @param name Destination string buffer to store the country name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @param lang Which language to the output of result the sxgeo lookup.
* Supported languages:
* "ru", "en"
* @return True on success, false if no country found.
native bool SxGeoCountry(const char[] ip, char[] name, int maxlength, const char[] lang = "en");

* Gets the city name.
* @param ip Ip to determine the city code.
* @param name Destination string buffer to store the city name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @param lang Which language to the output of result the sxgeo lookup.
* Supported languages:
* "ru", "en"
* @return True on success, false if no city found.
native bool SxGeoCity(const char[] ip, char[] name, int maxlength, const char[] lang = "en");

* Gets the full region name.
* @param ip Ip to determine the region code.
* @param name Destination string buffer to store the region name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @param lang Which language to the output of result the sxgeo lookup.
* Supported languages:
* "ru", "en"
* @return True on success, false if no region found.
native bool SxGeoRegion(const char[] ip, char[] name, int maxlength, const char[] lang = "en");

* Gets the city's latitude
* @param ip Ip to determine the city latitude.
* @return The result of the latitude, 0 if latitude is not found
native float SxGeoLatitude(const char[] ip);

* Gets the city's longitude
* @param ip Ip to determine the city longitude.
* @return The result of the longitude, 0 if longitude is not found
native float SxGeoLongitude(const char[] ip);

* Calculate the distance between geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude.
* @param lat1 The first IP latitude.
* @param lon1 The first IP longitude.
* @param lat2 The second IP latitude.
* @param lon2 The second IP longitude.
* @param system The system of measurement, 0 = Metric(kilometers) or 1 = English(miles).
* @return The distance as result in specified system of measurement.

#define SYSTEM_METRIC 0 // kilometers
#define SYSTEM_IMPERIAL 1 // statute miles

native float SxGeoDistance(float lat1, float lon1, float lat2, float lon2, system = SYSTEM_METRIC);
  • Download the free version of the SxGeoCity database. Click: SxGeoCity.dat
    [*]Extract it to /addons/sourcemod/configs/geoip/
    [*]Extract file sxgeo.ext.so to folder addons/sourcemod/extensions; Extract file sxgeo.inc to folder addons/sourcemod/scripting/include.
    [*]Install any sm-plugin that requires the sxgeo extension.
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